Google's ready to rock your pocket
Android is definitely not the Gphone, but it's still a step up from your current blower. See why here.
Android will be coming to Europe courtesy of T Mobile in 2008. [more images]
Google's about to change the world. Again. But this time they're not aiming at your desktop, but the mobile in your pocket. Alas, it's not the Gphone we've all been waiting for, but then the big G doesn't do hardware.
Nope, this is all about software. It's called Android, and it's an open source platform built in partnership with 31 other companies. The end result is a widely accepted and standardised OS, just itching to jump onto a phone near you.
Because it's the work of a group, rather than single firm, it's incredibly open. Any developer will be able to build their own fast, flexible apps for mobiles, and they'll all make use of the latest technologies.
The finer details are still pretty scarce, but we expect Android will conform to all web standards, so things like AJAX and Flash will be packed in from day one, as well as more common Java.
Motorola, HTC and Qualcomm are all involved, with the system built on Linux. Moto already has a Linux based-blower out in the wild in the shape of the Z8, so it's a natural progression for them.
Qualcomm's involvement is more interesting. They're mobile video specialists, and Google says "services" like video and location will be built into Android from day one. It can't be a coincidence that Google owns YouTube now, can it?
We'd expect Google Maps to pop up on Android too. But now for the bad news. It looks like we'll have to wait until next year to see the first phones packing the new tech.
T-Mobile say they'll be bringing the first Android handset to Europe in 2008. As for an actual Gphone, it looks like our mock-up above remains a pipe dream. For now.
Labels: Accessories, pocket, Tip
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