iPhone: Safari is now a platform
Just now, Steve Jobs announced that Safari will be made available for Windows XP and Vista. You can download the beta of Safari here. This was a weird announcement to make at the WWDC — until such point that he announced the second “just one more thing” … the iPhone, which will launch on June 29 at 6:00PM will run all of its applications natively on the built in Safari browser.
Safari is no longer just a browser. It is a full fledged operating system.
Thanks to Mac Rumors for the live coverage and pictures.
EDIT: Aaron of Technosailor has posted a more thorough insight on the emerging Safari operating system and web applications in general.
If Web apps are the future, there’s really no reason to assume that everyone will follow suit and that *ahem* Google *ahem* won’t be marketing Gmail, Documents and Spreadsheets, YouTube, Google Calendar and the plethora of other web based software that is already available to smart phone users.
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